When we speak about moving, we may also refer to the idea of travel. While one can include the other, the experience of travelling is more than just the process relocating oneself. It is about gaining distance from where we are, leaving the familiar and approaching the unknown, something not yet experienced.
The exact point where moving becomes travelling is difficult to define. Yet, as we describe a journey, we refer to a universally understood concept. We could define it at a certain distance, but that is also dependent on circumstances. This distance can be measured by the extent of space or time crossed, from or towards a particular point, or as overcoming some form of a barrier. Moreover, do we refer to the result or method of moving, or instead — the process of moving in general? Travelling is more than just the act of relocating oneself. It is an experience, a matter of perception.
And yet — perception is not all there is to travelling. I can still travel, even if my most immediate environment — the interior of the vehicle — remains the same. I can say I am travelling, as I see the journey happening behind the glass: the landscape changing, places passing by in my field of vision. I am still travelling, even if the train goes through an underground tunnel and I do not see the change. The journey is still happening simply because I am aware of it — and because I am aware of it, I am experiencing it. I can only deduce from this reasoning that travelling is an awareness of change through movement.